Monday, September 22, 2008


I wasn't going to tell this story, because it's shameful, but since I have a long history of events like this, here goes...

Ya know that little gap between the rear wheel and the seat tube?

Yeah, that one. The one that looks like you could just barely fit a few fingers in there?

So I'm at the track on Saturday morning warming up, and the apron was still a bit wet in turn 2. After riding through the water, I took my gloved hand and wiped the water from my front wheel. Then I reached back to wipe my rear wheel, and WHUMP, my hand gets sucked into the wheel. This causes me to skid to a stop. Since my feet are strapped to the bike and my hand is stuck in my wheel, I have no choice but to tip over.

Ya know when you hurt yourself, there's that moment just before the pain sets in? All I could think was Oh shit, I just destroyed my hand 10 days from Nationals.

I managed to work one foot out of the pedal and break the zip-ties that held the strap on. Then I used my free hand to let the air out of the tire and free my trapped hand.

Like I said, it was shameful. I did an inventory of all my 2000 parts and nothing was broken, so I guess that's the "bright side".

I then had no less than 6 people explain the proper tire-cleaning technique to me.

What a dumbass.


Ben said...

I know several people that have done that...ouch.

Meow said...

Damn! And I thought I was a dumbass.....
I'm so excited for you to go to Nationals!! I would've been pretty pissed off if you had seriously damaged yourself!!

(SO EXCITED!) (Wish I could go!)