I went out for a mountain bike ride with Jim Bell today for almost two hours, which is about as long as I've continuously pedaled in a LOOOOOOONG time. My back is sore, my hands kept falling asleep, and I racked my choad on the top tube. Hard.
Here's Jim pissing in the woods.

I cut my bars down to about 25" and they feel a lot better. I also adjusted my saddle a bit and that seems to have helped some. I just don't know what to do about my hands falling asleep. It gets really bad, to the point that I can't grip the bars or feel the brake levers. I'm going to order up some of those Ergon grips and see if that helps.
I lowered my tire pressure (OK, Jim lowered it) to 30-32psi, and the ride was a lot smoother. I'd love to go tubeless and go even lower.
We started out at my house and rode over to the North Loop, where we met up with Slick. Then we hit up Riverside. We rode through the frizbee golf course, which resulted in riding through a huge cloud of weed smoke. Unfortunately, it was not enough to dull the pain! On the trail, some kids were trying to convince us to look in a hole. "Look in the hole! Look in the hole!" Why the hell would I look in the hole? Especially when the kids look like little pipe-bombers.
We rode back to my house, and I'm spent. My fitness is not cut out for rides like this, but my body seems to be adapting OK. We'll see how the rest of the fall plays out. My technical abilities are improving, so that will help make up for some of my physical traits (read: fat ass).
Whoa-sounds like yer havin a blast in the off-season! Terrific!
I had a similar condition with my hands when I started mountain biking too. I think its a conditioning/position thing. I started doing some upper body gripping exercise(pull-ups ect)
and tried to put as much weight as I could back on my ass whenever I could to help take some of the strain off my hands.Just like you it was bad at first but it went away with a little time.The grips may help.
Looks fun to read about but glad my cross training is weights and drinking.From Jonnycerious(i was drinking when I set my password so crosstraining is going great for me too!)
Try putting your saddle back a little so you shift he balance on the bike rearwards.
ride no-handed, duh...
mpls does not have a 'loop', minneapolis is not chicago....that's okay
T,I think anonymous just suggested you needed to lift more weights, I thought you were looking a little like a "girlie man" myself.
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