When I first starting biking, I was a pure mountain biker. Spandex was for pussies, road bikes were for squares.
My favorite place to ride was always Camp Manitou in Monticello. It's where I really learned how to ride, where I won my first race, and it was probably my favorite trail in all of MN. I always, without exception, got lost there.
Then they opened it up to motocrossers, and the whole thing went to shit. The trails were torn up, rutted, muddy, and wide. Even the group that put on races there abandoned the venue. That was about 4 years ago, and I assumed the trail was done for.
But now there's been a big effort by some of the St. Cloud riders to rebuild Camp Manitou. The dirt bikes have been banned and the trail work has been substantial. There are currently almost 20 miles of trail! Nice work to all involved. I'd name names, but I'd likely forget someone.
I'd encourage everyone to get out to Monti and check it out.
Monti Saturday morning?
I'd love to, but I'm out of town this weekend.
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