Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Operation PeeCeeVo

I've always wanted a TiVo (OK, not "always", but for like 3 weeks now) and I'm bored, so I'm going to attempt to build my own PeeCeeVo out of an old PC tower I have sitting in the basement. It has the word "pee" in it, so you know it'll be sweet.

Many people may be surprised to learn that I'm obsessed with hunting shows. I can generally get my fix on, but I would like to be able to record Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives as well. Woah, I think I just divulged too much info. Moving on...

As far as I can tell, all I need is a TV card and Yahoo's free Go For TV software. Most of the TV tuner cards even come with their own DVR software as well, but want you to pay for subscriptions to listing services.

More news as it develops.


Meow said...

HaHa. Desperate Housewives.

Anonymous said...

complete tech geek, nice...

Anonymous said...

Hit up sickboy for info on how to do this. He wrote up a nice tutorial on his old blog about building up one of these.