My helmet cracked all the way through. I'm extremely grateful to have avoided any sort of head injury. I'll never ride without a helmet again, and neither will my kids.

My first time up on crutches. I feel worthless.

This is what my hip looked like the day after the crash. It looks about twice as bad now, and the doctor said I can expect it to continue to look even grosser.

Surprisingly, the part that's actually injured isn't showing any bruising yet because the blood is all inside the hematoma and hasn't started escaping yet. It's hard to tell from this angle, but right on my hip bone is where all the swelling is.
You can kind of see how big it is here. That's not a muscle bulge.

In addition to the muscular damage and bruising, the ortho doctor said that there's a significant injury to my IT band, but he won't be able to really assess it until the swelling goes down, which could be a couple weeks. They still said I'm looking at 3 months recovery. I'm hoping for better. I'd like to at least be able to get out for some easy spinning on the road bike once the swelling goes down.
My bike seems to be fine. There's a slight wobble in the rear wheel, but it should be easy to fix. Other than that, I can't find anything wrong with it. Gotta be happy with the small victories.
Alright, the meds are kicking in, so it's back to bed for me. Thanks again to everyone who's helped keep my spirits up.
You need to get some stickers on those crutches.
Well in three months you will be ready for the Monday Night Mountain Bike Rides!
If you need anything, just ask.
so you'll be hanging out in the hottub this coming weekend and super secret team camp?
hot tubs cause increased blood flow, further increasing selling.
Nice work on that helmet. I am very impressed with your "Break Shit" skills. I haven't been able to achieve such separation between cracks despite repeated attempts.
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