Today kicked major ass in the cycling department. Franz and I headed down to ride the track this morning. It was pretty cold, but it's always fun to get out on the boards. This was the first time I'd been on my track bike since Nationals last year, so it felt really unnatural for the first 10 minutes or so. After a while, though, I settled in and felt great. There were even a couple moment where I wasn't a slow pile of excrement!
Ted learned how to do Madison throws and we did a few hard efforts, but it wasn't really what I'd call a "workout". Just getting re-acclimated to the track.

The most exciting part of the day was all the new shit I got. Sickboy had been hording all the stuff I ordered from sponsors into a closet. Today I took delivery of everything, so he can now have his closet back.
New Banjo Bros. bag

New team bowling shirts (with our names hand-embroidered by Gilby!)

TIME mountain bike shoes...

...and pedals

Tufo tubulars

Then when I got home, the new Columbia Highroad cycling cap I ordered had come in the mail!

It looks stupid with the bill flipped up.

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