Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Real Thor

The Thor Controversy of '09 has compelled me to tell this cautionary tale.

My sister once dated a guy whose actual name was Thor. While this name was certainly unique in the small farm town where he grew up, it was even more out of place in Duluth, where he attended college. One night Thor was returning to the dorms after a party when a man approached him.

The man asked, "What's your name?"

Thor replied, "Thor".

The man then said, "That's a fag name", and proceeded to pull out a sword. No shit.

The situation was diffused (Thor ran away), but it still lends a valuable lesson to everyone: if your name is Thor, someone will probably accost with a sword at some point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! I totally forgot about that story....oh T-whore...M