Poor Pants had crashed and was now scared to ride his bike (hmmm...sounds familiar). Have no fear! The Movers are here to help. They did some brainstormin' and decided that Pants should ride an exercise bike, since there's no chance of crashing.
I've been doing the very same thing. In fact, I was damn close to my personal best on the ergo last night, and that was after deadlifting 335 and squatting 315.
Unlike me, however, Pants managed to crash on his exercise bike. Fortunately, he crashed into a whole room full of stuffed animals. Here he is post-crash:
Where was my stuffed animal room when I needed it?
Next, the Movers put Pants on a tricycle so he could get used to riding again, with little chance of crashing. Note to self: buy adult-sized tricycle, preferably with a basket.
After that, Pants was able to ride his race bike again, and he won the big race! I'm 100% positive that this as an omen that, once I graduate from my adult trike, I'll be a famous racer. Hey, would Mover Scott lie to me?
1 comment:
What?!! 'PANTS Armstrong'???! Does he know about this???? I am Tweeting him right now!!
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