Despite all the snow and icy roads, I just hadn't seen any cars in the ditch yet this year. It was mind-boggling! Until this morning. I notice a woman and her 4 kids walking down the busy highway. I thought it seemed odd that someone would walk their kids to school, down a 2-lane road with no shoulder, when it's 2 degrees out and no one is wearing a hat. Then I saw this about a block away:

I'm not sure how it happened, but it happened. I even considered stopping to try to help pull her out (ya know, gotta do my good deed for the year), but her SUV didn't have a hitch and I didn't want to crawl into the snow under the car in my work clothes to hook up the tow rope. Plus, the road was busy as shit and I would have possibly risked causing another accident. Yessir, I've got all sorts of justification for not doing something I probably should have done.
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