Since everyone cares what I think, here's...um...what I think.
Worst: Crashing. That really sucked balls.
Best: Enjoying summer for the first time in 5 years. This was actually a by-product of crashing, so I guess it wasn't all bad. I spent time with my family, hung out at the lake, and didn't live like a monk. For those of you who can't read between the lines, I spent my summer drinking on a boat, and it was fan-fucking-tastic.
Best: Breaking Benjamin's Dear Agony. Though not a phenomenal album by any stretch of the imagination, 2009 was a slow year. I feel like I'm becoming "that guy" who only listens to music from when he was 18. I hate that guy, but I now understand him.
Worst: Not one song in particular, but every R&B song with a high-pitched male singer that utilizes that fucking robot voice. They all sound the same, and they're all horrible. And they all seem to collaborate together now. They sound the damn same, why put more than one of them on a song?
Celebrity Gossip
Best: Brett Michaels getting knocked the fuck out by a stage prop. I don't have anything against the guy, but I can't stop watching the video! Bam! Rewind. Bam! Ahahahahahahah.
Worst: Khloe Kardashian getting married. Because I really needed a reason to see her on TV more. I wonder if that whole family says a little "Thank You" to Ray J's penis every night before they go to sleep. Without him, they're still living in obscurity. I was also pretty bummed about the death of Brittany Murphy. See seemed pleasant.
Best: The proliferation of Android for mobile phones. Now that there's a solid iPhone competitor, the industry is really going to push mobile phone technology forward in a hurry. I want to be able to ditch my laptop and just have a docking station for my PDA. Can someone make that happen please?
Worst: Social Networking in general. I know it wasn't invented in 2009, but it really gained (more) mass appeal. Everything seems so informal now. Though it is much easier cyber-stalk people, if that's your thing. And yes, I realize that this blog is a form of social media. Fuck off.
Best: The Hangover. No contest.
Worst: Paul Blart Mall Cop. I considered suing Kevin James for the 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Sadly, my time is worth nothing.
TV Shows
Best: Rock of Love Bus. What can I say? I'm a sucker for aging rockstars and strippers.
Honorable Mention: Cougar Town. I loves me some Courtney Cox. Though, actually, I like Nikki Cox more. Is she still on TV? Man, do I ever miss Unhappily Ever After.
Worst: The Girls Next Door. Now that the original girls are gone, I can't watch it anymore. The OG's were amusingly stupid, while the new girls are mind-numbingly retarded.
Worst: The Girls Next Door. Now that the original girls are gone, I can't watch it anymore. The OG's were amusingly stupid, while the new girls are mind-numbingly retarded.
So there you have it. The definitive list of awesomeness and suckage.
I agree with you on the worst music of 2009. There is one exception to prove the rule, though. Not sure if it's from 2009, but nevertheless:
You have no idea how many times I've watched this recently. Yes, Peter's 20 months old now.
Ah! So now I MUST see The Hangover!!! Perfect for a lazy cold-ass wintry evening....unless we're done with them already!!!! (It could happen?)
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