Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I experience an interesting phenomenon after Nationals. I was off the bike completely for almost a week, and after about 5 days my legs started aching, almost like DOMS. The only thing I can think of is that my body was so used to riding hard that it was revolting at the sudden change.

I thought this was pretty bizarre.

OK, awesome post. Whoo!


T3 said...

i get that too when i take lazy breaks during the season -- although probably not the same as you since i have spindly computer programmer legs.

it serves as a reminder to me that my break is over and i need to get back on the bike.

as you can tell from my results - my training is *highly* effective.

Anonymous said...

It could be all the glycogen and water your holding from not training.

Tenacious T said...

Are you saying I'm fat?

Anonymous said...

Again I have the exact same thing happen to me.If I take a week off my legs ache but it feels different than when training hard.