Thursday, January 29, 2009

Death By Caffeine

In an ongoing attempt to try to kill us all, my employer has provided free coffee to all employees. They know I can't pass up free coffee!

And I just know I'll die from it. Look:

I've already had almost 120 cups of coffee today, so maybe through my on-the-job death I'll be able to help us make budget for next quarter. It's the little things...

In other news, I'm happy as shit today. I can't figure out why, I'm just in a really good mood. I'm trying to be all hateful and pissy, but it's not working. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Meow said...

Oh don't worry-I had the "hateful" "pissy" for you (and everyone else)yesterday! Drinkin'
2-4-1's at Liquor Lyles seemed to help immensely!