We had our end-of-the-season team party last night at One On One. Good food, good beer, good people. Gene even broke out a bottle of his Special Reserve wine for the occasion. Classy.
Since Franz couldn't make it, we figured someone better pose.

The 'Fix Chicks

Bob graced us with his presence. I think he just came for the carrot cake.

The Richter, well on his way to becoming invincible through the eating of Twinkies.

Those damn college kids are so resourceful. It's a shirt...AND a beer holder. Clever bastard.

Dubie explaining the finer points of...something.

Extreme close-up

We determined that Andy somehow got whiter on his trip to Texas.

The Ninja came out of hiding for a night.

These are the Banjo Brothers. For reals.

Thanks to everyone for a killer season!
Just think how much more fun that party could have been if I was there. Mind blowing, I know.
Yeah, he totally got whiter.
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