Sounds good, right? Well, here's the problem: I don't know which one I want.
The TCR Advanced 3 looks great, but only has 105 components and shitty wheels.

The TCR Advaced 2 has better Ultegra components and Mavic wheels, but the turquoise and white color scheme looks incredibly lame, which is unacceptable.

The TCR Advanced 1 looks good, but has SRAM components, and I really want to go back to Shimano.

The TCR Advanced SL line of bikes is a bit out of my price range, and honestly, I won't put on enough miles to justify something that nice.
I'm leaning towards the TCR Adavanced 3. I had 2006 Ultegra on my previous road bike, so I figure the '09 105 components should be at least as good, if not better. The cheapo bar/stem can be replaced with parts I have in my garage, and I'm fairly certain I can come up with some decent wheels.
What say you?
Get a Specialized and get rid of that happy stem.
just heard they have a recall on their road frames.. top tubes breakin.. you'd break it for sure.. steel is real..
It's the new SL bikes that are recalled. The standard TCR Advanced is still OK based on what I've read.
Steel is boring.
I think the "3" looks the coolest too. Since you only ride about 100 miles a year, 105 components should be fine :)
Little D
Get the 1. CHange out the cranks to Shimano 105's with 165 crank arms. Buy top end and you will not be glad you had not skimped and selling it on ebay at the end of the season.
Note Tiemeyer track bike.
Giant is the way to go. They don't outsource their bikes and a lot of companies have Giant make their bikes for them.
The shop I worked at last sold Giant, Trek, Cannondale, and Serotta. You definitely get the most for your money from Giant.
Taylor, I seen a kid I could eat(he weighs like 140lbs) flex that giant like a vegas hooker! Cracked it right on the top of the head tube. Giant told him to suck it.
Myself I twisted an Orbea Orca so bad in a sprint broke it right at the seatpost/top tube.Although Orbea replaced it(and with a new frame and some other parts)I was 25lbs lighter and a roadie then.
Now we have you at present. At least a few pounds bigger then myself(now), much more powerful then I was or my friend at like fifty pounds or more on the almost exact same carbon frame. You do the math. I would give that frame 3 months max.
Aluminum!! anything but carbon. Skinny roadies break this shit.It doesnt have a chance with you.
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