I tried to document my weekend in pictures, but then I forgot to actually take pictures of the shit I was doing. So here, for your viewing displeasure, is about half of my weekend.
Friday night started with my best meal ever. We busted out the deep fryer for some jumbo butterfly shrimp. For desert we fried up donuts. They were phenomenal. We made one with Nutella in it, which I had to spit out after it scalded my tongue. I still can't taste anything.

The next morning the kids and I had to run some errands. I stopped by Revolution to pick up some kick wax for my skis. The guy working there didn't recognize me. WTF? Doesn't he know I'm a big deal?

Then we went to PetCo to get some goldfish for the kids. All have since died (the goldfish, not the kids).

Bandit was a pain in the ass in the store.

Next up was a stop at Sportsman's Warehouse. I wanted a new glow-dot sight for my shotgun and a chest protector for Bandit. I found both by didn't purchase either. I hate paying retail.

Chicken Nuggets for the kids. I ordered a Southwest Chicken Salad. Seriously.

Franz and I went XC skiing in the snow later in the afternoon.

Sunday we took the kids to Becker Community Center to go swimming and go down the waterslide. Then we went to my in-law's house to watch the Vikings game. Their cat sat on my chest the entire time I was there.

I'm actually glad to be back at work this week. I was sick of being home and the kids were definitely ready to be out of the damn house! Tomorrow I'm taking Max snowboarding for the first time, and this weekend we'll be kickin' it up at Lutsen.
That is all.
Ah-cats have a terrific sense of cool people.....dontcha' think???
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