Wednesday, January 07, 2009


From 5th - 10th grade, I played the tuba. I don't know how I got tricked into it, but I was way too small to carry that damn thing. Plus, it was a pain in the ass when I had to bring it home on the bus.

In high school, our first class of the day was either band, choir, or both. No other options. If we were only in one, we got study hall on alternating days. At the time, I was dating a slutty girl. Not that is wasn't fun, I just had to watch her like a hawk. Ya know, because of the sluttiness. Also, it turns out the tuba is stupid.

Anyway, I needed to quit band. In order to drop the class, the instructor had to sign a form acknowledging that he had been informed. I walked into the band teacher's office, where he spritely said, "you ready to rock the pep band this year?". What a tool. I said, "Actually...", and held up the drop form.

He burst into tears, crumpled up the paper, threw it on the floor, jumped up and down on it, and ran out of his office. Out in the band room, he started throwing chairs around, screaming, "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED!?!?!?!?" He put one chair through one of his office windows and threw a music stand into the bass drum.


Sadly, he eventually calmed down. He outright refused to sign the form, but at least I wasn't worried his was going to impale me with a clarinet. The principal took care of the rest, and we didn't see that teacher for a few days. Thus, my reign of terror began.


Meow said...

Sounds like you were kind of a big deal to him T!! ;)

Anonymous said...

thats sounds like an 80's movie classic freak out! What a stable person they picked to teach young people. At least we know why you are the way you are. Not that I have any room to talk. I gotta go its time to "put the lotion on."

Tenacious T said...

Fraley, I'm thankful that you decided to visit me before, instead of during, the lotion application.

"It puts the lotion on the skin..."