It seems that the world is finally starting to see the PETA for what it really is. Many people believe that PETA just wants you to take good care of your cat. Not true. They believe that no one should own any animal. They want to take your beloved cat away from you, and likely euthenize it, like they did to 90.9% of the animals they "rescued" last year.
There was a BBC documentary called "Pedigree Dogs Exposed" (which itself is a bit extremist, but I digress...), which detailed the health problems being exacerbated by show-ring dogs. PETA decided to jump onboard and use this exposé to further their own misguided agenda. The film's creator had this to say:
"Our film is about animal welfare, not animal rights.
"PETA's animal welfare record is appalling. It kills 97 percent of the dogs that come to its shelters and admits its ultimate aim is to rid the world of what it calls the 'domestic enslavement' of dogs as either pets or working dogs.
"In stark contrast, and the reason we made the film, is that we believe pedigree dogs are of tremendous value to society and that something needs to be done to arrest the damage caused by decades of inbreeding and selection for 'beauty'. The film is a passionate call for urgent reform to save them before it is too late. To do that, there needs to be urgent reform of breeding practices and dog shows.
"PETA is a bunch of crackpots who do not care about anything but publicity and making money. They have not bothered to contact us -- and, indeed, if they did we would make it very clear we do not want their support. It devalues and marginalises a film that raises a serious issue that needs to be addressed, and quickly."
PETA is a group of extremists who believe that to own any animal is enslavement. They believe all animals should run free and that there should be no pet animals at all. PETA's mission statement is end pets forever.
People who donate to this "humane" society are essentially paying to have someone lobby to have their pets taken away.
A few years ago, PETA employees were caught "rescuing" live dogs from an animal shelter, euthenizing them, and dumping the bodies behind the Piggly Wiggly. No joke. Full story here.
I can't conceive how this organization has continued to operate under the guise of "helping animals", garnering endorsements from ignorant celebrities and receiving charitable donations by the millions, yet no one seems to know what they actually stand for: euthenizing animals and eridicating pets altogether.
The hypocrisy is mind-boggling.
What can we do? Donate to our local shelters, volunteer, and promote responsible pet ownership.
I just across this "site" yesterday....uh...."sea kittens"
I just took my dog outside (-9) and told him he was free, go run and play with all the other animals. He turned around, walked in the house, ate and fell asleep next to the fire place. It sucks being an inslaved pet.
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